Tuesday, June 28, 2016


"My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long - though I know not how to relate them all."
Psalm 71:15
    Well the day is finally here. Willow's first surgery. The goal is not to have her walk although we hope she will one day. And the goal is not to straighten her legs, we love her with all the bends. The goal is to keep her large bones from breaking.
 The procedure is called osteotomy and it involves removing parts of her bone so that they will line up and then a rod is inserted to stabilize the bone. The rod is called a Fassier-duval rod. It is the newest telescopic rod which will expand with her bone as she grows. The proceedure is expected to take 5 hours. If it goes well and everyone involved is good, they will also do surgery on left leg. We know this surgeon is the best which gives us enormous peace of mind but I also have a peace that could only come from the Holy Spirit and the prayers of His people. I woke up last night and was not at all anxious. Willow also slept well: sleeping for 9 straight hours and not kicking me once.
    Pre-op was a bit stressful for her. She remembers surgery in China and I'm sure that there was little pain control. Unfortunately we did not have a mandarin translator like we had for clinic even though I requested weeks ago. We did have Marti? a live person on TV. Willow did not respond well to her although she seemed to understand everything she said. (A little language with love is better than a fluent person with technology)
  Our anesthesiologist is an Australian who is very competent and I trust Willow will not wake up in pain.
     Timeline: at hosp for pre-op 8:30am
Taken to surgery @ 11am. Update to let us know they started @12:15. Update that femur was done @1pm. Call at 2pm that right leg was done and They would begin on left leg. This is a complete answer to prayer as we didn't think the left leg would be possible because of the amount of work needing to be done. I am so thankful that God led us to this doctor and all the families that showed us where to go for her care.
 The amount of bone they took out was 2 inches on femur and 1.5 in tibia. However by straightening the bones he is adding @4 inches. I can't wait till she realizes this. She has often sat on the edge of our dining room chairs and stretched her legs trying to touch the floor saying, "almost."
  Surgery done by 5:45. Unfortunately the meds had her vomiting. 7:15 up in room and resting.

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