This post is for those considering adoption but think you aren't able. Maybe you are too old, too tired, have problem children, have way too much going on and don't have a moment for yourself. Has God given you a heart for adoption? Has he showed you a path to a child who needs a family? You can bet that if God is in it there will be conflict. There will be turmoil. There will be heartache, not enough energy or time. But what are these to knowing that you are serving your Lord and King? If Jesus stood before you and said, "My son or daughter, I have a mission for you. It will require great sacrifice on your part and even your family will have battles. however, I am sending you to bring a child out of darkness. I want you to loosen the chains that is holding them. They may fight you but they will know love and acceptance because of you. I want you to tell them about me and about my Father God who loves them beyond measure." Would you do it?
1 Cor. 2:2-3 "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling."
Yes the apostle Paul trembled with fear when he was doing what God called him to do and we also will not always be strong and courageous. Sometimes we will be scared beyond belief. This doesn't mean we aren't in Gods will; it may just mean that we are in a battle for a soul.
Day 3 of our adoption my husband and I felt like we were going to have a nervous breakdown. Our newly adopted daughter not only had the physical scars we knew about but also emotional scars deeper than we had imagined. What got us through? Turning to the promises of God, knowing he had called us to something way over our heads. Don't give up on the vision God has given you. He knows the end result and we have to trust he will bring all things into the perfection He has for them.
May God bless you on your journey.
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